The focus is on advanced individual skills and game strategies

BYB FALL 2016 4
  • Each team works with a coach and a student-athlete from BHS
  • Each session is half practice and half in a scrimmage with another team
  • Teams will meet one weekday per week and on Sundays for competitive games
  • The season starts after Labor Day and ends in late October
  • Weekday practices will start at 5pm in September and will move to 4:45pm and then 4:30pm, as the days get shorter in October
  • Sunday games are mostly scheduled in the afternoon with a few late morning games in some leagues
  • Between religious holidays and Columbus Day, there is usually little time to make up practices or games due to rain, but we always manage to get in a lot of baseball before the kids hang up the cleats for winter

For more information, please contact VP - Fall Majors